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Incarceration of Gul: 'Farce' of dominant narrative - Muslim women need saving

Counterview Desk
In an open statement, more than 450 individuals and 40 organizations* have called for immediate release of Gulfisha Fatima, a young student and community educator from Seelampur, Delhi, allegedly wrongly incarcerated for protesting against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), National Register of Citizens (NCR) and National Population Register (NPR).
Marking 100 days of her detention, the statement, issued by the advocacy group Saheli Women’s Resource Centre amidst Twitter campaign #100DaysofInjustice and #FreeGulfisha, sharing pictures, posters, solidarity messages and memories of Gulfisha, the statement says, her arrest “shatters farcical dominant narrative that ‘Muslim women need saving’.”
Accordint to the statement, “The incarceration of Gulfisha and all the other anti CAA-NRC-NPR protesters bears testimony to a callous state that miserably failed to dialogue with communities that constitutionally and democratically appealed to the government to reconsider its anti-people policies.”
It says, “The country is witness to a brazen one-sided ‘investigation’ into the targeted violence unleashed in North-East Delhi in late February 2020, by the Delhi Police and the Home Ministry, who are using this pandemic as a convenient excuse to criminalise, interrogate and imprison peaceful anti- CAA-NRC-NPR protesters, of whom, many are Muslims.”
The signatories assert, “As we stand with Gul, we stand equally with all the other young activists, students and other leaders including Safoora Zargar, Ishrat Jahan, Devangana Kalita, Natasha Narwal, Meeran Haider, Sharjeel Imam, Sharjeel Usmani, Khalid Saifi, Akhil Gogoi, Dhairjya Konwar, Bittu Sonowal, Manash Konwar and countless others who are bearing the might of the fascist, masculinist, police state.”
Among the signatories include academicians Uma Chakravarti, Roop Rekha Verma, and Nandini Sundar; activists Annie Raja, Mariam Dhawale and Kavita Krishnan ; journalists Anand K Sahay, Laxmi Murthy, Geeta Seshu and Malini Subramaniam; artists Maya Krishna Rao, Shital Sathe and A Mangai, Mallika Taneja; and lawyers Pyoli Swatija, Sumita Hazarika, Shalini Gera, and P Vasantham.


July 19 marked 100 days since Gulfisha Fatima,a young student and community educator from Seelampur, in North-East Delhi was unjustly arrested by the Delhi Police. She has been falsely charged under the draconian UAPA law for daring to defend the Constitution, and for peacefully resisting the anti-people CAA-NRC-NPR.
Just as she lit up the protest spaces with her warm smiles, compassion and innate intelligence, Gulfisha, lovingly known as Gul, continues to keep the flame of justice alive within her at Tihar Jail, as well as the urge to carry on the legacy of her ideals – Savitribai Phule and Fatima Sheikh – the foremost feminist educators of this land!
The country is witness to a brazen one-sided ‘investigation’ into the targeted violence unleashed in North-East Delhi in late February 2020, by the Delhi Police and the Home Ministry, who are using this pandemic as a convenient excuse to criminalise, interrogate and imprison peaceful anti CAA-NRC-NPR protesters, students and democratic activists, of which, many are Muslims. 
This spate of arrests, has sparked massive outrage from democratic voices across the country and the world, including the United Nations which has expressed grave concern at this ruthless stifling of ‘dissent’.
We all know that the bail finally ‘granted on humanitarian grounds’ for Safoora Zargar – in the second trimester of her pregnancy – was a result of persistent struggles at many levels. Today, we must speak out for the release of all political prisoners, including 27-year-old Gul, who was arrested on 9th April 2020, in the initial phases of the lockdown, when the government imposed a thick curtain on information flow around detentions and arrests. 
Reportedly, she was mentally tortured during police custody, to add to that her bail applications have been repeatedly rejected by the Courts on technicalities. At a time when de-congestion of jails is a world-wide demand, like many other innocents, Gulfisha has been languishing in jail for 100 days now. That’s 100 days too many!
Between December 2019 to February 2020, millions of citizens across the country, in particular women, took to peacefully challenging the State’s communal project of discrimination and disenfranchisement. There are numerous accounts, of Gul, engaging at the local protest site, running classes, educating children and women from the community, empowering them with a vision of emancipation. 
She was mentally tortured during police custody. Her bail applications have been repeatedly rejected by the courts on technicalities
 In that sense, Gul is an inheritor of the legacy of the legendary Savitribai Phule and Fatima Sheikh, who braved all odds to make education and emancipation for all girls and women a reality.Her efforts as a community educator while raising slogans about ‘Hum Samvidhan Bachane Nikle Hain, Aao Hamare Saath Chalo’ is a brave and poignant moment in today’s times. Her sensitivity to the spirit of the women in the community is a roadmap to how education itself must be re-imagined pedagogically for it to be inclusive, non-discriminatory and accessible.
A promising student like Gul, hailing from a marginalized community, should have been encouraged and supported by the Government. However, by jailing her, the patriarchal state is sending out a chilling message intending to keep women students ‘in-check’ and out of educational institutions, tightening the bonds of servitude that women have long fought to break from.
 The government’s so-called commitment to ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’ is no more than empty rhetoric for, when the ‘betis’ rise to learn and lead and ‘bachao’ the Constitution of this country, the regime crushes and cages their dreams and dissent mercilessly.
Gulfisha braved too many odds, stood by her community, holding to heart the Constitution and educating while struggling, even as she went on ensuring that everyone was well-fed during those long, chilly winter nights! To charge such a harbinger of peace under draconian terror charges is a crime against humanity and absolute travesty! 
Her participation, inspired by the collective struggle of thousands of Muslim women, who countered the divisive CAA-NRC-NPR project of the government by re-imagining resistance as a collective, leaderless struggle shatters the farce of dominant narratives that ‘Muslim women are in need of saving’. The current regime clearly stands exposed in its intentions as it jeopardizes women’s lives, their families and communities.
As has now become an established practice by the State to harass and harangue people, as soon as Gul was granted bail in one FIR, she was ‘re-arrested’ in another FIR, under the newly amended UAPA, which gives the government a license of unending impunity to pronounce ‘dissenting voices’ as a threat to ‘national security! The ‘outlandishness’ of the UAPA law can also be gleaned from the fact that even a ‘first-time protestor’ like young Gul can be charged and jailed arbitrarily for long periods! 
The incarceration of Gulfisha and all the other anti CAA-NRC-NPR protesters bears testimony to the state that miserably failed to dialogue with the communities that constitutionally and democratically appealed to the government to reconsider its anti-people policies, over months of peaceful and awe-inspiring protest, marked routinely by calls for violence by right-wing leaders and top politicians from the majority community.
  • As we stand with Gul, we demand a summary repeal ofthe UAPA law that grants the government such sweeping powers or arrest and incarceration without any safety net of accountability.
  • As we stand with Gul, we stand equally with all the other young activists, students and other leaders including SafooraZargar, Ishrat Jahan, Devangana Kalita, Natasha Narwal, Meeran Haider, Sharjeel Imam, Sharjeel Usmani, Khalid Saifi, Akhil Gogoi, Dhairjya Konwar, Bittu Sonowal, Manash Konwar and countless others who are bearing the might of the fascist, masculinist, policeState for daring to stand by values of democracy, secularism, equality and justice.
  • As we stand with Gul, we demand that the State immediately drop all fake charges foisted on her and all other students & activists and instead take stringent legal action against each one of those who have been responsible for the targeted communal violence and hate crimes in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and other places in the past many months.
May a Thousand Gulfishas Bloom! Free Gulfisha Fatima! Free All Political Prisoners.
*Click here for signatories



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