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US polls: Should Indian Americans vote those refusing to condemn RSS ideology?

Kamala Harris, Pramila Jaypal, Ro Khanna 
By Mike Ghouse*
Why should we support or pull down the Indian Americans running for US Congress or Senate?
The answer is simple, almost all Indian Americans have families back in our motherland, and we must support and elect candidates who subscribe to American values. You and I came to America and have cherished this nation for its values of freedom, equal opportunities, equal justice, equal dignity, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We should wish the same for our fellow Indians back home or any people anywhere.
We must reject those candidates who do not want the same values as the Indians living in India and certainly pull the hypocrites down if they support the Modi regime in India, whose supporters are lynching, harassing, raping, and killing fellow Indians. We cannot let our motherland go down the drain with such individuals.
Lawmakers Ro Khanna, Pramila Jaypal, and Kamala Harris have proved to be patriotic Americans fully subscribing to American values. However, we have to make a critical decision about new candidates running for the legislatures. The questionable man is Preston Kulkarni, a controversial person running for the US Congress from Congressional District 22 from Houston, Texas.
He is accused of taking donations from the people who run the RSS organization in India. RSS is a paramilitary organization like the Nazis, ISIS, and KKK, which runs the Indian government and believes that the Christians (30 million) and Muslims (200 million) who have lived in India from the 2nd Century and 8th Century respectively do not belong in India. Through his minions, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has similarities with Hitler has given them three choices– convert to Hinduism, live as 2nd class citizens or disappear.
Kulkarni is not willing to condemn this ideology, and hence his integrity is questionable.
The ideology of RSS is dangerous to the social fabric of India and detrimental to India's economic stability and prosperity. Now, it is creeping into America, and we need to stop it.
I have texted Kulkarni thrice to answer simple questions. He turned it over to Jack, his field director; both have promised to respond in vain for almost a month.
Preston Kulkarni
Here are few of the several questions I have asked Kulkarni.
1. If elected, would you initiate a bill in the house about equal rights, equal pay for women and equal justice for all citizens?
2. If elected, would you support a bill that would require the Indian Government to treat the Dalits, Muslims, and Christians as equal citizens with equal rights and equal justice for all?
3. If elected, would you support a bill to restore the full freedoms to the People of Kashmir?
4. If elected, would you encourage the RSS to renounce its extremist ideology and accept Indian Dalits, Muslims, Sikhs, Jews, and Christians as Indians and have equal rights with all citizens?
5. Should a conflict arise between India and the United States, and Congress is short of one vote for passing the bill, what would be your position? 
Would you encourage RSS to renounce its extremist ideology, accept Dalits, Muslims, Sikhs, Jews, Christians as Indians with equal rights?
Would Kulkarni make the following statements?
"I am concerned about the violations of religious freedoms in India, particularly against minorities. Being a minority myself, I will not tolerate minorities to be treated like that in any country. I am appalled to hear the statements like Muslims are termites, and, I will throw the immigrants into the Bay of Bengal is ascribed to the Home Minister of India Amit Shah, a close confidant of Modi the Prime Minister."
"I support the request of the US Government to the Government of India to issue visas to the commissioners of the USCIRF to investigate the human rights violations and earn a clean certificate and or fix the problems and earn a clean certificate – clean chit as they call it in India."
"I do not support the exclusionary policies of the RSS, that advocate Indian Christians and Muslims to disappear from India, live as 2nd class citizens or convert to Hinduism. Indeed, I oppose that policy and urge India to have a place among civilized nations."
"I urge the Government of India to withdraw the unnecessary citizenship laws like the CAA – Citizens Amendment Act. It will stop the protests and restore political stability and social unrest. As Americans, we want a stable India to invest and build a healthy relationship."
"America is my home and my motherland, and I pledge to defend her constitution."
Lastly, talks are going on quietly about booting the Indians out of America if they boot Christians from India.
Given the unilateral decisions President Donald Trump has taken, disregarding the societal norms, and if the White Supremacists take over the governance, all of the Indians maybe kicked out of the nation.
If we don't correct the rogues who run the Government of India, we deserve to be kicked out. Modi was not allowed to come to the United States; it may happen again once Trump is gone. Modi should not bring shame to India.
I love my India and hate to see the RSS extremists destroying her; as an Individual, I will do my share of the work to save my motherland from the men hell-bent on destroying her. All those who are supporting Modi now will come to regret. One by one, he will push the South Indians, then the Bengalis, Marathas, and finally you. All he wants is power. Modi is a power-hungry man. If the country is destroyed, he will walk away with his jhola (shoulder bag) as if nothing has happened; he does not care about Indians.
*Founder president of the Center for Pluralism, Washington, DC


Raabta said…
The headline misrepresents the main picture. Kamala Pramila and Ro khanna are not supported by the RSS-BJP establishment. Instead, Kulkarni's picture should be displayed. Please do not do injustice to the trio.
Editor said…
The story says it all. We do not think it is necessary that the photo and the header should be identical. Kulkarni's picture is very much there in the middle of the article. Even the author has not objected to it.

Anonymous said…
What Raabta said makes sense. Picture at the top gives readers an impression, and that should align with the key message being conveyed.
Doctor said…
What Raabta says is correct. Not everyone who comes across this article reads it, and the picture plants a wrong seed in their minds.
Either pictures of these 3 Indian Americans should be removed, or the article title rephrased to a mix of positive & negative (like, wolf in the sheep) & Kulkarni's picture side by side to the trio.


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