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Dad, we only wish the world was deserving of a brave and honest man like you!

Reproduced below is an open letter to jailed former IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt by his daughter and son Aakashi and Shantanu Sanjiv Bhatt. Bhatt is in Palanpur Jail after being awarded life imprisonment by a Jamnagar sessions court in 2019 for a custodial death way back in November 1990.
Known to have said, Narendra Modi as chief minister directed Gujarat cops to allow Hindus to vent their anger, Bhatt was suspended in 2011 for allegedly remaining absent without permission and misuse of official vehicles, and thereafter sacked in August 2015.
Dearest Dad,
Today, as you complete 58 glorious years of your life, we wish we could hug you to never let go and smother you with wishes and love, while you celebrated your birthday surrounded by friends and family.
There was a time, not too long ago, when each birthday was celebrated as a wonderful year gone by, and an open armed welcome to the new exciting year ahead; however, today as we stand here, staring into the abyss of the last 3 years, 3 months and 17 days of you being maliciously and wrongly incarcerated, we hold on to the anchor of hope and faith that the days to come will turn the tide, and this time next year, we will be celebrating your birthday in the warmth and happiness of our home, together.
For all our life, you have always been our shield and armor, ever protecting us, all the while equipping us to fight our own battles. You let us run, wander, fall and pick ourselves up, letting us learn from our own mistakes, always keeping a watchful eye, but also being the first one by our side should we falter. We have and continue to live our life with courage, because we know you have, and will always have our back, just like how we will yours. You are our backbone, the voice of reason in our soul and the courage in our, on your birthday, we want to promise that we have, and will continue forever to be your shield and armor, your unwavering pillars of support... your indestructible bulwarks.
Dad, you deserve the world… we only wish the world was deserving of a brave and honest man like you!
Life has dealt us a tough hand, these last three years… but like you always say, "what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger". This draconian regime foolishly thought they could break you, little did they know, you are made up of steel that they cannot even begin to fathom. In an attempt to break your resolve, they have only made you indestructible !
Dad, we love you so very much... Words cannot do justice to how proud we are to have you as our father !! Your courage, strength and resolve, have and continue to inspire brave souls across the world !
You always have been and will always continue to be our hero... today, tomorrow... till the end of time !
These are indeed trying times, but we promise, the time we have lost at the hands of this draconian regime will be made up... the evils which have thrived in the wake of honest and upright men and women being falsely incarcerated will be destroyed…
We hope and pray that the new year will lead to an awakening in the hearts and minds of the people of India who will wake up from their deep slumber of ignorance and apathy and fight for the India we knew and loved, the India you deserve..
Wishing you all the happiness, love and health in this world… you are not getting older, Dad, you are only getting stronger.
Happy Birthday Papa!
Lots and lots of Love,
Shan and Aakashi



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