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Ukraine: Russian Communist party supports authorities' move to 'end Nazi provocateurs'

In a surprise move, chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, GA Zyuganov, has in a statement, has said that the people of Ukraine "should not be a victim of world capital and oligarchic clans", supporting President Putin, without naming him, for "forcing Nazi provocateurs" of Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) and the Luhansk People's Republic (LNR) of Ukraine "to peace."
After the appeal of the leadership of the DPR and LPR, the Russian authorities launched a military-political operation aimed at forcing Nazi provocateurs to peace. The steps taken are intended to guarantee peace in the Donbas and secure Russia from increasingly acute threats from the United States and NATO.
The militarization of Eastern Europe after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact is evident. The aggressive intentions of Washington were clearly realized in the process of the destruction of Yugoslavia. The goals of the US authorities and their NATO satellites to enslave Ukraine should not be realized. These aggressive plans pose critical threats to Russia's security. At the same time, they fundamentally contradict the interests of the Ukrainian people.
The United States is increasing its competitive capabilities in the global world at any cost. They are not embarrassed by the fact that sanctions against Russia, the torpedoing of Nord Stream 2 and the threat of war in Europe lead to heavy economic losses for the eurozone countries. Today it is especially important for the peoples of the world to realize the adventurism of Washington's policy and to remember the experience of the broad anti-war movement. The deployment of such a movement would ensure solidarity with the peace-loving peoples of Russia and Ukraine and protect their rights to their own development.
The Communist Party of the Russian Federation proceeds from the need to dismantle the results of many years of banderization of Ukraine. The real policy on its territory is largely dictated by rabid nationalists. They terrorize the Ukrainian people and impose an aggressive political course on the authorities. “Caving in” under this pressure, Zelensky betrayed the interests of his fellow citizens, who elected him president of peace in the Donbass and good neighborliness with Russia.
In conditions when the Russian Federation stood up for the citizens of Donbass, it is necessary to provide all possible assistance to refugees and civilians of the DPR and LPR. We call on the entire society to provide them with the necessary assistance and support.
The pressing imperative of the time was to force the Kiev provocateurs to peace and to curb the aggressiveness of NATO. Only the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine will ensure sustainable security for the peoples of Russia, Ukraine and all of Europe. In the struggle for peace and preventing the revival of fascism, we consider it important to widely use the methods of people's diplomacy and humanitarian cooperation.
In strategic terms, the position of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is well known: the main guarantee of peace, creation and development is the movement along the path of social progress and social justice, along the path of socialism.



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