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Barbaric murder in Udaipur: Prophet was a messenger of peace and compassion

Khudai Khidmagar India statement condemning the barbaric murder in Udaipur:

Khudai Khidmagar India strongly condemns the brutal and barbaric murder in Udaipur and said such heinous savagery cannot be justified in any way. Constitution is the only way while taking the law into your own hands is a criminal inhuman act .
Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa salaam) was indeed a Messenger of Peace and Compassion. He is an ideal human for mankind. The religion “Islam” which Holy Prophet (SAW) practiced itself bears the literal meaning ‘PEACE’ . Prophet also reminded the people that ‘All of mankind belongs to Allah’s family’. He further said to his followers that a Muslim can diminish hatred by showing their love towards people and also a Muslim can destroy the aggressiveness by spreading peacefulness.
It is nurturing of hate and violence which brought us to this point. Hence, it becomes more important and ever relevant to continue efforts in the direction on non-violence, peace and humanity.
Harvest of hate is fatal to the human existence . People involved any in such act can never be a follower of any religion as the base of every religion in the world is love , peace and humanity.
Immediate and strict legal action should be initiated against the accused. Justice must be insured to the victim's family along with compensation to the dependents who have suffered loss.
Path of violence and bigotry is a dark tunnel with no end. We appeal to the countrymen to maintain peace, law and refrain themselves from the rumours. Avoid being reactionary and all efforts should be made for peace and brotherhood
Hate and violence is weeding our social structure . Young and old across all sections are equally being effected by this hence, there a urgent need to work on it .We appeal civil society, social organizations and individuals to put all coordinated - united efforts for peace , humanity and against hate.
Jamaat-e-Islami Hind statement on Udaipur murder:

Jamaat-e-Islami Hind has condemned the murder of a person in Udaipur who was allegedly accused of inciting religious sentiments. In a statement to the media, the Vice President of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, Prof Salim Engineer said: "We condemn the barbaric and uncivilized murder of Kanhaiyalal of Udaipur. There is no room for justification for such violence in Islam. Those found guilty of his murder should be punished according to the law of the land. The government must stop mischief-makers from taking advantage of this incident to create social unrest. Peace and law and order should be maintained at all costs. statements being issued by some political leaders show their immaturity and their ugly intention to play the vote bank politics. The incident reflects the growing tendency of people to take the law into their hands. This trend is dangerous for our society and should be curbed. People lose faith in the police and judiciary. if they either do not get justice or they feel prejudiced. Unfortunately, the political environment of our country is encouraging aggression and hatred and reducing empathy and tolerance. It is time for all peace and justice-loving citizens of our country to join hands and fight against hatred and violence".



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