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Global NGO claim: India under RSS 'preparing' for genocidal massacre of Muslims

By Our Representative 

Well-known global human rights organization Genocide Watch has claimed that India is preparing for “genocidal massacres” of the country's Muslims. “India has all of the preparatory stages for more genocidal massacres,” said  the organisation's founder Dr Gregory Stanton, citing the "discriminatory" Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), the "dehumanization of Muslims" through hate speech, and the “non-prosecution of lynchings and other crimes committed by Hindus against Muslims.”
“Persecution of Muslims is reflected in termination of Kashmir's autonomy… Much Muslim property has been expropriated or destroyed, and Muslims have been displaced into enclaves,” Dr Stanton said. He was participating in a panel discussion organized by the Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC) at the Islamic Society of North America’s (ISNA) annual convention.
“A climate of impunity reigns, in which eyewitnesses to mass murders of their own families have been terrorized into recanting testimony, and the killers have been acquitted", he alleged, warning, RSS, to which Prime Minister Narendra Modi belongs, is pushing its "violent supremacist ideology" in schools, trade unions, cultural societies, and religious groups all over India.
“[The RSS also] runs camps of the Bajrang Dal, where young Hindu boys are taught the ideology of Hindutva and where hatred and fear of Muslims are openly advocated. These camps receive large financial contributions from Indians abroad, especially through the India Development and Relief Fund,” said Dr Stanton.
Recalling that BJP, the political wing of RSS, has played a role in "instigating violent and genocidal violence in the past, especially during the Gujarat pogrom of 2002", he said, “The killers clearly expressed their genocidal intent in their slogans: ‘Kill them all, destroy their society;’ ‘finish off all Muslims;’ ‘our people were not spared by them, don't have mercy’.”
Also speaking on the panel, Niranjan Takle, an Indian investigative journalist, stated that the BJP is implementing ideas put forth by the founders of the Hindutva ideology, "including the weaponization of rape and cow vigilantism to spread fear among Indian Muslims."
Raising the issue of Hindu extremism rising outside of India, naming several US-based organizations as channels for spreading the ideology, he added, “This Hindutva ideology I know for sure has spread across the world through several organizations like Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh… and they are trying to influence policies of foreign countries right now, apart from spreading hatred because it's only hatred on which they can survive."
“I am a Hindu myself. This fight is against Hindutva. Hindutva is bigotry,” said IAMC advocacy director Ajit Sahi, participating in the discussion. “If Indian democracy goes down, it will have a terrible effect around the world, including the United States.”


Dipanjan Dasgupta said…
It seems like MR Soros and his confidants are getting desperate because Indian gov is busting their illegal activities, which are usually done through NGOs, I wonder what kind of proof does this person Dr Gregory Stanton whom I have never heard of in my life has to claim such thing? how many of the recent genocides has this so called NGO able to predict and act on? Namely, Kurds in Iraq, Uyghurs in CHina and Hindus in Kahmir, truly a misleading article
Avesh Khatri said…
many of the things he said is right, bjp & rss always spread hatred against the muslims, they always win hindu votes based on the argument if you will not vote for us then they (muslims) will overtake you, & they always reminds hindus of the past. Rights of Kashmiri hindus are also violated. Level of hatred between the two communities increased since bjp came to power.
Anonymous said…
Thats bullshit. Fear mongering by these people as they cant tolerate India's growth.
Anonymous said…
yeah hindu is good this hindutva are destroying hindus itself..
Anonymous said…
These English bastards dont know about India ..The Tasks of NGOs like under the banner of human rights are running money extortion racket and defame the My Country and Hindus . English culture is all about GREAT HYPOCRITES ..MISLEADING ARTICLE ,SPREADING FAKE PROPOGANDA.
Unknown said…
Most of these statements are without proof. And world is thriving on misinformation now-a-days because of a few people in the lure of money try to make the so called councils happy(which organize these meetings). Sad state of affairs as these so called NGO's council,s are pitting one religion against the other for pecuniary gains.
Anonymous said…
Wow, Kasmir autonomy... big words from the terrorist and rapist supporting NGOs. Muslims have a long history of massacre of different religious and ethnic minorities and these NGO are the reason why they never get exposed.
In past one year there has been 100 or more killing of Hindus in India in the name of blasphemy... mf's if you really were about human rights, you would never use word human and muslim in same sentence
Anonymous said…
Misleading Article. Unfortunately Indians participate in this to spread hate against INDIA
Anonymous said…
Scums...worth only to be ignored
Anonymous said…
Political, communal, ethnic and regional unbiases often reflect through every government over time and across every country in the world. The government of India, having a federal set-up is not going to suppress any special community or religion as mentioned in this article.

This organisation lacks authenticity about its existence as dozens of minor and major exploitations are happening in this world and they have not intervened in any such issue before. This is more like a propaganda to tarnish the image of India republic outside and inside to fulfill the agenda of various groups.
Anonymous said…
If you had half a brain you would have spoken about the continuous genocide of hindus in Pakistan and in Buddhists in Leh-Ladakh. Fool!
Yogendra Ray said…
Asking of proof(s) itself is a proof that all is not well. There is no smoke without a fire.
Garlanding hindu lynchers by BJP ministers/leaders is certainly a proof.
How many lynchers have been even arrested?
How many houses of hindus have been taken down? How hav rapists, murderes, killers been released from jails by a state government? How and why names of places are being changed?
All old hindu temples are basically Buddhist places of worship and forcibly seized by Brahmins. The proofs are there but our Brahmin judges do not allow the admission of any claim. Why?
Anonymous said…
All are baseless comments, In reverse in India Hindus are in Danger, Many Hindus are killed by Radicalized Muslim youth, They are enjoying Liberty and freedom of hate speech against Hindus But poor Hindus by believing of Karma Siddhant leave them and treat them as their brothers. we can say no Muslim can enjoy beautiful and colorful life who are out side India but they enjoy and happy life in India, We both Muslims and Hindus are living in harmony but Paid people like you spread hate among us to stop our development. Mera Bharath Mahaan, Jai Hind
Anonymous said…
This person is lunatic alongwith others who says they are Hindu and state such statement. I am more pained by these so called Hindus, then the Lunatic writer.
Anonymous said…
I would like to say a thank you to this fellow and his NGO, because of this hypocrisy, pseudo-secularism mindset and double standard thoughts, today Hindus of our nation are awakening and understanding what is the strength of unity and self-respect. Because of these people, we Hindus can no longer be fooled by fake secularistic lectures and so-called 'BHAICHARA'. We understood very clearly that if they insult Hindu Gods and Goddesses, it's right of expression whereas if a Hindu point out the slightest fault and mistake in others, they will claim copping down the head from the neck openly and will not rest until they do that. Examples are clear and bright as daylight.
So, thank you who you so ever.
Anonymous said…
the comments in the comment section are enough to prove we are heading towards the genocide of Muslims.high possibility of a repeat of the 2002 Gujarat communal riot but on a national level because of one-sided hate speech and misinformation.
Anonymous said…
No mention of what the Chinese are doing to the Uighurs in Xinjiang, is another example of western media's hypocrisy, and is condemnable.
Anonymous said…
Lol ... its just vote bank policies (he said this thing in 'Islamic Society of Nouth Ameria') 😒
Anonymous said…
we have to teach young hindus what these muslim mofos did to our countrymen and raped women . learn about samrat prithviraj , vikrammaditya , chadragupt maurya not akbar
Sakshi said…
All the fearful & innocent Muslims & woke Hindus worried about radical Hindutva are free to emigrate.
M.A. said…
Send visa, provide full compensation for serving this nation and yet being persecuted. We surely will, Sakhi. The choice of country will be ours, not yours, as you dont want we Muslims here


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