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How the slogan Jai Bhim gained momentum as movement of popularity and revolution

By Dr Kapilendra Das* 

India is an incomprehensible plural country loaded with diversities of religions, castes, cultures, languages, dialects, tribes, societies, costumes, etc. The Indians have good manners/etiquette (decent social conduct, gesture, courtesy, politeness) that build healthy relationships and take them ahead to life. In many parts of India, in many situations, and on formal occasions, it is common for people of India to express and exchange respect, greetings, and salutation for which we people usually use words and phrases like- Namaskar, Namaste, Pranam, Ram Ram, Jai Ram ji, Jai Sriram, Good morning, shubha sakal, Radhe Radhe, Jai Bajarangabali, Jai Gopal, Jai Jai, Supravat, Good night, Shuvaratri, Jai Bhole, Salaam walekam, Walekam salaam, Radhaswami, Namo Buddhaya, Jai Bhim, Hello, and so on.
A soft attitude always creates strong relationships. A relationship should not depend only on spoken words. They should rely on understanding the unspoken feeling too. So when we meet people we shake hands, embrace each other, and express a variety of gestures.
As such ‘JAI BHIM’ is also one of the greeting phrases being used by Indian Buddhists and the inspiration of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. It has become of symbol of all kinds of identities.
Today the JAI BHIM slogan/phrase has gained popularity all over India. A question arises in everybody’s mind How Why and What for “JAI BHIM”?
There are many interpretations and meanings of JAI BHIM explained in this article.


Throwing light on the origin of “JAI BHIM” Vivek Kumar, Professor, JNU Delhi said, “The first time, when JAI BHIM was uttered, it was used as ‘War Cry’ during the famous battle of Bhim Koregaon on January 1, 1818”. Further Vivek Kumar stated that during the war, when the Mahar sepoys (as a part of the British East India Company) used to cross the Bhima River, they shouted “JAI BHIM” to galvanize themselves.
In the twentieth century, “JAI BHIM” words/ Slogan usually refers to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, a multidimensional personality of all the times. He is a symbol of knowledge, an immense source of inspiration even today, and a torch bearer of social justice, equality, liberty, and fraternity.
Babu Hardas Laxmanrao Nagrale (1904-1939). General Secretary of the Independent Labour Party, a politician, and social reformer was an ardent follower of
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. Babu Haridas L.N. was the pioneer of the practice of exchanging the greeting “JAI BHIM” and he was the real originator of the word “JAI BHIM” in 1935 which refers to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. Babu Haridas L.N was also one of the signatories to the “Poona Pact”.
How “JAI BHIM” originated is narrated by P.T Ramteke in his research paper titled “JAI BHIM” (PUBLISHED IN January 2000). It was his dissertation for his M.A. He describes how Hardas conceived and developed the idea of JAI BHIM. So he (Babu Hari Das) is considered the father of “JAI BHIM”.
In 1946, on the occasion of the Birthday celebration of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar for the time in the presence of Dr. Ambedkar, "JAI BHIM" was proclaimed by a Dalit poet Bihari lal Harit (1913-1999) through a poem in Gandhi Ground, opp. Old Delhi Railway Station.
The salutation “JAI BHIM” started during Dr. Ambedkar’s Life time. Activists of the Ambedkarite movement used to call each other “JAI BHIM” but some activists also directly saluted Dr. Ambedkar as “JAI BHIM”.
After the death of Dr. Ambedkar in 1956, the slogan “JAI BHIM” gained momentum as a movement of popularity and revolution.
Narendra Modi Prime Minister launched a paid app whose acronym “BHIM” (Bharat Interface for Money) on 30 December 2016. It is intended to facilitate e- payments directly through banks and encourage cashless transactions and “BHIM” beamed a political message to the socially disadvantaged.
At a joint election rally in Uttar Pradesh Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India began his 30-minute speech by raising the slogan “JAI BHIM” and “ BHARAT MATA KI JAI” as Poll Cry slogans. Addressing the gathering of party workers Modi recalled Dr. Ambedkar as an economist and even went on to utter “Bahujan Hitay Bahujan Sukhay”.


‘JAI’ means “Long Live!” and ‘BHIM’ refers to Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar. ‘JAI BHIM’ literally means “Long live the legacy and inspiration of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.”
“JAI BHIM” means
- Dignity, Pride, Humanity
- Revolution, Progress, Victory
- Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
- Wisdom, Compassion, Morality
- Faith, Inspiration, Chastity
- Gratitude, Enlightenment, Integrity
- Strength, Justice, Honesty
- Educate, Agitate, and Organise
The slogan “JAI BHIM” contextually means “Victory to Baba Saheb Ambedkar and Victory to Ambedkar’s ideals, ideology, and principles”. “Victory for BHIM” “Long live BHIM”.
The reason for using the "JAI BHIM” slogan is that the noble ideal of Dr. Ambedkar’s life, the indomitable spirit which enabled the greatest humanitarian to work for the human society to build the nation on the edifice based on Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, and Social Justice for all.
Whatever might be the meaning and interpretations of the slogan- “JAI BHiM” in terms of researchers and others, it is to be noted that “JAI BHIM” is not only the phrase which is used for greeting but it also gives inspiration to all those people who have been humiliated for years and all those who believe in revolutions and it is a beacon of hope for the oppressed and marginalized.
Proud to say “JAI BHIM"...
Educationalist and Social Activist.


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