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Space for philosophy and metaphysics in order to address the scourge of terrorism

By Prof Sudhanshu Tripathi* 

Does ancient Indian approach towards violence (sic terror) is esoteric and metaphysical? Yes it sounds so; but to say that these are futile is something ignoring the reality. As we know that this mundane world and human beings therein are the beautiful mix of the two – temporal and metaphysical, or matter and idea, just like as human body consists of soul and body. Without body, the soul is indeed worthless and vice-versa. In fact, both matter and idea are complementary and supplementary to each other. How can the existence of soul be negated just due to lack of scientific and verifiable knowledge to comprehend it? May be in future, we become capable enough to understand all those unknown phenomena that are today unverifiable and hence useless. Obviously any knowledge, in order to be complete and worthy to serve the humanity, needs this harmonious mix of both idea and matter.
In fact, it needs a thorough understanding of philosophy and metaphysics so as to explore the inner core of ancient Indian scholarship with inherent mysticism. Because our sages and seers in ancient India were the masters of the mysterious Universe due to their awakened knowledge about Truth, visible in the harmonious balance that Nature reflects around us. That sometimes disturbs as natural calamity due to unbearable human folly and knavery. But it is not that one day there will be the total destruction or complete devastation, if such brute and selfish exploitation of nature continues unabated. The recent Covid-19 or several earthquakes or tsunami in the past may be cited here to substantiate the argument.
It is, therefore, necessary that a space for the philosophy and metaphysics must be allowed in our temporal living and that we find in growing awareness in the West regarding benefits Yoga, Meditation, Heartfulness etc. to beat persisting mental stress and consequent corporal fatigue. It is this approach of the desired mix that can genuinely address the scourge of terrorism as well. Of course, it won’t result in immediate success but its continuous and consistent practice with patience will definitely show the expected result. However there won’t be a total terror-free society because both virtue and vice are primeval instincts and inherent parts of human nature; or five fingers in a human palm are not same.
Hence, psychic healing of terrorists along with awareness about life purpose and soul journey through education including constant vigil and alertness, prevention and post-terrorism management, apart from moral teachings and religious preaching, vegetarian diets and simple and sahaj (natural or spontaneous) living may be prescribed to remove the mental blockages lying therein in form of a-reason and pre-occupied rationalities or mind-based rationalities in terrorists as reasons of terror.
However all these prescriptions don’t ask for discontinuing preventive, deterrent and coercive measures against terrorism, until and unless the terror phenomenon really decimates to negligible, except oft-occurring petty quarrel or disputes. In a nutshell, state terror, mass-repression and retribution have their own limitations. Instead, the mix of both reformation and deterrence including alertness and preventive measures be practised to win over the menace of terrorism.
*MDPG College, Pratapgarh (UP)



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