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Radcliffes never die... they will come back again and again, till this world exists

By Atanu Roy* 
Something has happened to me for the last couple of months. I stopped dreaming at night.
Freud has a detailed treatment of dreams [dreams are the disguised fulfilments of repressed infantile wishes], but he has never taken up the phenomenon of any person not dreaming at all.
Maybe my subconscious mind is not in place, It has stopped working, and hence no dreams get triggered at night, it flashes at day only.
Yesterday night was an exception. It’s good to tell you all, I had a dream last night. It may not be splendid, but I enjoyed it out and out.
It was Sunday, me and my friends were flying kites on the roof of 2 Lake Place, Ballygunge, where I grew up with a happy childhood. One English gentleman, who seemed to be in fifties , just stepped in and joined us. He introduced himself as a London lawyer, Sir Cyril Radcliffe famous [or infamous] for demarcating the boundary line between India and Pakistan. Though finalized a little before the independence day of 15th August 1947, the boundary details were published a couple of days later. The line is called the ‘Radcliffe line’.
“What brings you here Sir”, we politely asked him in a surprising tone.
Came a prompt reply, “One similar assignment again, right here, of course it's quite a mini project if you really compare with my previous one. In fact, I have to draw a similar boundary line for your municipal area based on religious demography. Again, I don't have any demographic details as before and have been asked to complete this assignment within a very challenging time, maybe 3 days only. I count on you local boys for the details. Hope I have explained to you well the idea behind my trip, and will get all your cooperation".
Hope this time it is not ‘Mountbatten Plan’, I quipped.
“Your country is now an independent nation, so Mountbatten does not exist. This has been initiated by people in power in your country. What a coincidence, their names also start with ‘M’”.
Radcliff was candid.
“We understand, but the Indian, Pakistan boundary line was not a good job done. It did create confusions for lack of clear demarcation and that arbitrary approach has created differences between two countries resulting in frequent wars and border tensions”.
Radcliffe did not agree. “Not really”, he commented. “It was done in an incredible short time of seven weeks. Mountbatten did not plan it in advance, a sudden decision taken at the last hour. I never did this sort of job before. There was no ground map. Very sketchy idea of the demographic map, no details of people's way of living. The sentimental aspect of uprooting people from their native lands was totally ignored. In fact prime minister Attle gave the target as 1948 for the transfer of power, for some personal reason Mountbatten preponed it to August 1947. In fact, I returned my fees, as I agree with you, it was the most murky assignment. But one point you all should admit, the boundary line I framed, still remains untouched for the last 76 years.”
“Yes we admit that. No doubt the partition has triggered a human migration and misery unparalleled in history. But that was a political decision, approved by our national leaders too. You personally cannot be made accountable for this tragic event. But, one aspect I want to clarify from you. How come you are still living, you were in your fifties at the time you drew the boundary line.”
Radcliffe smiled with a mysterious look, “That is the point you have noted. I am not just a person, I’m a phenomenon. Our ancestors initiated divide and rule, to remain in power, and now that rule is applied with much more vigor with some revised tactics. The common people remain divided and keep on fighting. The people on the top are making fun of the common people. The world gets divided and more divided day by day, leading to misery, infighting never stops, wars never stops, people are glued to propaganda media, and remain intoxicated. Human bondage is a reality, freedom remains an illusion.
Good bye, but I will come back again. I have a chain of more assignments, next time will be drawing boundaries based on caste, creed, and whatnot."
Radcliffe never dies, they will come back again and again, till this world exists. Thank you.”
*Based in Singapore



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