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Ahmad Sa’adat's jail transfer integral part of offensive on Palestenian people in Gaza

By Harsh Thakor 

The Handala Center for Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs notified that the Israeli Occupation Government transferred the Secretary-General of the Marxist-Leninist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Ahmad Sa’adat, as well as several other political prisoners, from “Ramon” Prison to Nafha Prison. It is an integral part of the fascist ploy of the blood thirsty Israeli state.
The transfer took place from Section 5 of “Ramon” Prison to Section 10 of Nafha Prison. It also reported a state of tension There was also news of turbulence prevailing in PFLP sections in all IOG prisons. The PFLP place sole blame on the IOG prison administration for the lives of its Secretary-General and the other political prisoners who were transferred to the Nafha Prison.
In a statement, the PFLP asserted that this Israeli assault on its leadership is part and parcel of the complete demolition operation that the Captive Movement is being subjected to, highlighting that such attacks simmered after Itamar Ben-Gvir took over the IOG Police Ministry. The statement declared that the PFLP Prison Branch called for a state of high alert in all Occupation Government prisons and pledged to retaliate in an organised manner to the crime committed by the prison administration. According to the statement, a planned and articulate program of struggle would be undertaken until the IOG relented in mercilessly tearing apart the Front’s leadership cadres and all the political prisoners is not put to an end.
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine called on the Palestinian people, the national forces, the people of the Arab nations, and the free people of the world to offer every inch of support to its Secretary-General, its political prisoners, and the whole Captive Movement. Elsewhere, the PFLP concluded its statement by stating that its Secretary-General Ahmad Sa’adat and his comrades in IOG prisons won considerable victories over the Zionist jailer at various junctures of struggle.
On a Sunday morning, Occupation Government repression units barged into Section 5 of “Ramon” Prison and transferred the political prisoners there to Nafha Prison. The Palestinian Prisoners Information Office reported that the “Ramon” Prison administration shut down sections 2, 3, 7, and 8 amid a state of tension prevailing in the prison. This came on the brink of the 22nd anniversary of the assassination of former Occupation Government Minister of Tourism, Rehavam Ze’evi, which the Occupation Government blames PFLP Resistance fighters of, in response to the Occupation Government’s assassination of its (PFLP) former Secretary-General, Abu Ali Mustafa, on August 27, 2001.
After the assassination of Abu Ali Mustafa, Sa’adat was elected Secretary-General of the Front, only to be subsequently arrested by the occupation in 2006, on fabricated charges of Ze’evi’s assassination. In 2008, the Occupation Government’s Military Court sentenced Sa’adat to 30 years in prison. During his captivity, the PFLP Secretary-General went on several hunger strikes and was transferred to solitary confinement several times by the Occupation Government.

Recent attacks of Israel and Palestinian retaliation

From September 22nd to 29th the State of Israel has carried out numerous attacks, especially in the Gaza Strip as well as the occupied West Bank. In this area a young man has been killed in Jenin and two other young men were killed in Tulkarem. Another Palestinian youth has also succumbed from injuries sustained in the explosion in Gaza on 13th of September. These murders capped the six that already occurred in the previous days.
Since the night of Friday 22nd of September, at least five drone bombings and missile attacks have been reported against the Gaza Strip. These attacks are principally to dislodge Hamas’s defensive and surveillance positions. The attacks against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip are made frequently, not only to try to extinguish the Palestinian resistance, but also to demoralise Palestinian people by making them suffer to the last straw. Recently the State of Israel mercilessly attacked Palestinian fishermen and prevented Palestinian workers from going to work to Israel. After the heroic struggle of the people in the Strip, were forced to reopen the borders and permit Palestinian workers to return to their jobs.
Palestinian resistance has shimmered braving all odds . Earlier this month, there were joint military exercises of several organizations of the Palestinian National Resistance Movement in the Gaza Strip. While the Israeli offensive is escalating in the Gaza Strip, several relevant Palestinian organizations have met in Beirut to knit more cohesive coordination.
Statement of Deputy Secretary-General of the Marxist-Leninist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Jamil Mezher:
Earlier deputy Secretary-General of the Marxist-Leninist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Jamil Mezher, confirmed in an interview with Al Mayadeen on Sunday that for the Palestinian factions it was imperative to elevate resistance in the West Bank.
Mezher said about the meeting with the leaders of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the PFLP that the importance of holding the meeting in Beirut “is because Lebanese capital is a precursor. of resistance.” Mezher asserted that consolidating battlefront unity is important to protect resistance fighters against the occupation, pointing out that the settlement path has only reversed fortunes of their people.”
He said that the resistance fighters need insulation from Israeli aggression and the policy of assassinations noting that the Israeli enemy believes that through undertaking raids and arrests in the West Bank, it can subvert the resistance.” He expressed optimism declaring all attempts by the Israeli enemy in the West Bank fail, as hundreds of young people are integrating with the resistance forces, performing operations that confuse the Israeli enemy on daily basis.
Mezher stressed that the qualitative and consistent development of the resistance infuses fresh elements in confronting the Israeli enemy.Mezher stated that the prolonged resistance in the West Bank and its elevation and development could defeat the enemy.
Harsh Thakor is freelance journalist



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