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Freebies curse on people, end menace in elections to strengthen Indian democracy

By Sudhansu R Das 

Freebies in the election have become the single most potential threat to the economy, society, culture, politics and democracy. Freebies help the inefficient persons to rule the educated and the efficient people for decades. Once a leader grabs power with freebies he continues giving freebies to remain in power; it ruins the country beyond repair. When a building cracks it can be repaired; if a road has potholes it can be re-laid. If the human mind gets addicted to freebies it is difficult to repair. The result is a massive idle energy based vote bank which adversely affects people’s creativity, productivity and entrepreneurship. Freebies can weaken the nation from within as the core strength of the nation gets eroded. Ultimately it leads to loss of independence of minds and control over economic assets and natural resources.
Since independence, India has lost many generations of youth due to distribution of freebies. The freebie war has been intensified as the 2024 Lok Sabha election draws nearer. “Ye Dil Mange More”- political parties compete with one another to declare mountains of freebies due to the fear of losing elections. Today, no political party can win an election without promising freebies which becomes a curse on people after the election. The ever illusive freebies precipitate into endless sufferings for people; it drains the state’s exchequer and overburden people with various taxes; price rise in essential things like food, houses, education and health facilities etc torment people.
Today, the list of freebies gets longer which includes everything: house, food, loan waivers, land, pension, subsidies, computer, cycle, fridge, scooters, pilgrim tours, dinner party, cash, loan waivers, electricity and water etc. In fact, the freebies are given in one hand and double the amount of freebies in the form of taxes are collected in the other hand; it is just like money lending business. People are left at the mercy of private hospitals, private educational institutions, builders, greedy traders and middlemen who increase the price of their products and services at will in post election.
Over decades, freebies have created a Frankenstein monster; if the monster is not satisfied, it will devour the political parties within no time. “He has given me a free house, what will you give to me? '', asks the monster to the leader. How to get rid of this frankenstein monster- the Freebie is the biggest challenge before the country.
India desperately needs good educated leaders with courage and political skill; who can work relentlessly on various social and economic issues; who can educate voters what is good for them; who can tell voters the danger of freebie culture. Indian politics provides a huge opportunity to the strong, honest and efficient people to make a career. A vacuum has been created and the majority of people want the emergence of good leaders who will put their courageous step on the political field.
Politics is the only career which gives opportunity to people for giving seva to people; genuine seva gives immense pleasure to leaders who are honest and kind hearted. It is not necessary that the good people will win the election; but the ripple they will create by contesting the election can turn into a wave tomorrow and a storm later. India awaits for a deep churning of the ocean the way it was churned by gods and demons in Indian mythology. Educated, good and bold people stepping into the political field is the only way to save democracy, people, culture and the nation. Indian intellectual mass should act or cast aside their intellectual tag, social status, University degrees and accolades.



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