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Raid at Dipak Dholakia's home an attempt to muzzle protests against govt unpopularity

ICAN statement on Delhi Police raid on convener Dipak Dholakia’s residence and seizure of electronic devices:

We, the members of the Indian Community Activists Network (ICAN), strongly condemn the unlawful and undemocratic raid by Delhi Police at the residence of our Convener Shri Dipak Dholakia October 3 morning. 
No warrant was shown to him for the search of his residence. He was merely told that the raid was in connection with a UAPA case that Delhi Police was investigating. His laptop and mobile were confiscated without providing him a receipt for the same, which is a blatant invasion of his privacy. He was questioned for several hours. Shri Dipak Dholakia is a respected senior citizen and social activist who is associated with several democratic movements. The raid at his home is a part of the Government's desperate attempt to muzzle all protests against its growing unpopularity. ICAN expresses its solidarity with all the journalists and activists who were raided and harassed today.
-- Rajesh Ramakrishnan, Member, Co-ordination Committee, on behalf of all members of ICAN



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