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West Bengal political parties care little for ethics for overall progress, development

By Harasankar Adhikari 

Bengali society is usually stratified and multilayered because of social, economic, and cultural factors. Politically conscious involvement of Bengalis stratifies its society differently, although the sensitivity of Bengalis is high in politics. Especially, democratic decentralization of power has been coping at Bengal first. Initially, the long time left rule (party-based) was advantageous. Various social movements, reforms, and reconstructions were witnessed by Bengalis through their active participation. 
But at present, it is lower-graded and self-centered. Their political psyche has been restructured for political loss or profit, or it might be dole-centric. They are now limited in their support to a government or a political party as a rule, only for some flavors. It is evident that democratic government and political parties are synonymous. They do not bother whether it follows any bar of ethics, morality, or other good qualities for overall progress and development.
The Bengali political psyche is stratified into mainly three categories:
i) Political elites who are deserving and enjoying power, authority, and property. They are restricted within the personal realm.
ii) The political middle class used to criticize the different political parties, especially the ruling party, within their small group but did not agree to show off their opinion at large because their survival was the only priority. Their psyche is restricted by the blame game. They are happy with their own.
iii) Politically used class: those who are large and at the bottom of the pyramid and are used for the political functioning (meeting, agitation, proxy vote, booth jam, threatening, and fear environment) of a party. They might be defined as a distressing and fragmented category. They are the victims of political torture, murder, and other evil acts. They are, importantly, the pillars of democracy, while they are a politically suffering class.
Among these, the first and third classes are with the ruling and opposition parties. The political battle is confined to these two classes. Now, India's people's democracy is a competition among different political parties for power and authority. These political parties are treating the voters as beneficiaries of the people’s democracy. Now the political class and caste according to the people’s affiliations are the dangerous barriers of Bengalis’ society. It determines people’s interaction, social function, and so forth.
The first category (political elite) is basically the buttering class. They are with either the ruling party or opposition parties. When they are with the ruling party, they are blind to praising the acts of the ruling party. Even they used to suppress anti-people acts and policies. They are desperate to interpret it differently, as if the matter is decorated and fabricated to harass or decline the government's face value by anti-government people. They publicize whatever the government is doing is for the people. 
The political middle class is good for nothing for bringing any change of society. This self-centered class is more concerned about their own family members. They are opportunists and are searching for an opportunity to be availed of by any means. They silently support corruption for their own gain. The school job scams and other scams are the results of their personal greed, because if we conduct a study on this, it has surely been initiated by them.
It is evident that people’s democracy has empowered the proletariat to transform into bourgeois. As a consequence of this, socialism is a dream. But capitalism has been cemented. So, political pollution is our future. It would promote various political classes, which would be the enemies of every society in India.



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