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New chain of actions ignite support to struggling Palestinians all over the globe

By Harsh Thakor* 

The anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist war has turned a spark into a prairie fire in the  Middle East, involving the guerrilla masses of Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and depending  on the intervention of the Iranian government, against Israel and Yankee imperialism, and its smaller partners, such as the United Kingdom.
The Palestinian cause, which before the Al-Aqsa Flood seemed to drifting towards complete alienation, with the collusion and connivance of the ruling classes of the Arab countries in the face of Zionism, resurrected in a spectacular fashion to counter the plans of Zionism, and gave a severe jolt to the strategic plans of Yankee imperialism. 
There is no doubt that Iran’s recent bombings against Yankee and Zionist military positions in Iraq gave a cutting edge in the Palestinian people’s war of national liberation. Iranian bombings now add to the Houthis’ daily operations in Yemen and the Red Sea, which have inflicted severe economic and political damage to the Zionist State of Israel.
Today, it is no longer only  about operations involving Palestine and Israel; the anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist war is engulfing throughout the Greater Middle East, involving the guerrilla masses of anti-imperialist movements in Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and being backed by the intervention  of the Iranian government, against Israel and Yankee imperialism, and its smaller partners, such as the United Kingdom.
The Palestinian national revolutionary forces have been able to calculatedly manipulate the contradictions in the arena of imperialism for the cause of liberation. For example, Iran’s actions have been of great value, not because the Iranian ruling classes goal to a free Palestine, but because the weakening of Israel is a strategic condition for the intensification of their bureaucratic-comprador capital. In addition, Russia has paved the way for   Iran’s initiatives to provide weapons and political and military support to some anti-imperialist groups in the region, because this makes way for  the Russians to set ablaze  the Middle East and pose a threat to the hegemony of  the Yankees.
A new chain of actions and mobilizations have ignited all over the globe  in support of the struggle of the Palestinian people and against the genocide perpetrated by the State of Israel and imperialism.
In Brazil actions have been a frequent feature.
In the capital of Brazil, Brasilia, there was a protest undertaken by the Committee to Support the Palestinian People – Federal District (CSP-DF), in support of the Palestinian people and to denounce the genocide perpetrated by the State of Israel. The mobilization began as a rally, to later become a demonstration with distribution of leaflets. 
In Belo Horizonte, capital of Minas Gerais, was conveyed a day of global action for Palestine by several organizations, demanding the end of the relations of the Brazilian State with the State of Israel. Afterwards they crumpled  the Israeli and Yankee flags. It was  written: “Palestine Resist, Palestine Will Win!”. 
Heavy rain  rain, was unable to intercept a march of hundreds of people in Recife, capital of Pernambuco, in solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian National Resistance Front. Big was inscribed: “Palestine Resist! Palestine Will Win!” At the end of the march, the Israeli and Yankee flags were crumpled.. Additionally in Sao Paulo thousands of people gathered in a mobilization. Among the participants were various revolutionary organizations such as the People’s Women’s Movement (MFP), the Revolutionary People’s Student’s Movement (MEPR), the Classist Movement of Educational Workers (MOCLATE) and Red Unity – League of the Revolutionary Youth (UV-LJR).March with banners in support of the struggle of the Palestinian people and flags of revolutionary organizations. 
At the Federal University of the Amazon, Manaus, a seminar was organised on the genocide and the dehumanization of the Palestinian people. The event gathered around 200 people. The auditorium of the Faculty of Social Sciences was completely full during the event. 
In Karachi, Pakistan, tens of thousands protested in a rally against the genocide perpetrated by the State of Israel, demanding that the US withdraw their support and compensate Palestine for the losses inflicted.
 In Lyon, France, pro-Palestinian activists carried out a rally against the German consulate in solidarity with those who were repressed in the demonstration of the LLL in Berlin, and in support of the struggle of the Palestinian people. Later they hung the banner at the entrance. 
In Ireland, activists of Anti Imperialist Action – Ireland, put posters in the office of a bourgeois politician, continuing with the campaign against the Embassy of the State of Israel.
Additionally there was a huge demonstration in Dublin, which has been labeled by local media as the biggest demonstration in Ireland’s history regarding Palestine. Great demonstration through the streets of Dublin. 
In Bochum, Germany, revolutionaries have called for a mobilization on January 20, against the genocide against the Palestinian people. 
In Limassol, Cyprus, was carried out a mobilization in front of the British military base in the city, denouncing the complicity of British imperialism in the genocide committed against the Palestinian people. Mobilization in front of the British military base. In Ireland, Saoirse don Phalaistín has launched a campaign to evict the Israeli embassy.
Anti Imperialist Action Connacht has been targeting McDonald’s advertisements and the office of a politician.In Ireland, Saoirse don Phalaistín has launched a campaign to evict the Israeli embassy.
In Ireland, Saoirse don Phalaistín has launched a campaign to evict the Israeli embassy.
On the 20th of January stall was held in Connacht in support of the Palestinian resistance and encouraging the boycott of Israeli goods. 
In Oslo, Norway, Kampkomiteen has put up posters in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance struggle. Posters in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance struggle in Oslo.
In Toulouse, France, Ligue de la Jeunesse Révolutionnaire lodged  an information table on the Palestinian resistance at the Mirail faculty of the University of Toulouse. The action also mobilized for a study meeting on Israel on the 24th of January.
In the city of Tel Aviv, in the State of Israel, hundreds of people protested against the war on the 18th of January.Anti-war protest in Tel Aviv on the 18th of January. 
In Haifa, the third largest city in the State of Israel, Israeli Jews and Palestinians protested jointly  against the war on Gaza in the 20th of January.Placards demanding  an end to the genocide in Gaza were held up in the protest in Haifa, 20th of January. 
In Melbourne, Australia there has been protests in support of the Palestinian people at the central business district for 15 weeks in a row. The latest rally had about 4,000 participants, according to the police.
 An ongoing blockade at the Port of Melbourne have prevented an Israeli ship from being unloaded for more than two days. According to the police 85 people are participating in the blockade. More people joint the blockade after the rally.
In Birmingham, England, thousands of people protested in support of Palestine. The protest is reported to have been dubbed “Birmingham’s largest protest”.
In London, England, protesters intercepted the speech of a politician at a conference by a thinktank linked to the Labour Party. Shimmering Palestinian flags and shouted slogans. The protesters shouted among other things “When will you condemn the genocide? How many more children need to die?”Pro-Palestinian protesters interrupted speech of Labour politician David Lammy. 
In Seattle, USA, a light rail station was closed due to a protest in support of Palestine on the 20th of January. The protest denounced the links between the publicly-funded company Sound Transit and Siemens, which participates occupation of Palestine.Protest in support of Palestine in Seattle shut down a light rail station on the 20th of January. 
In Oslo, Norway, Kampkomiteen has put up posters in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance struggle. Posters in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance struggle in Oslo, Norway.
In Toulouse, France, Ligue de la Jeunesse Révolutionnaire had an information table on the Palestinian resistance at the Mirail faculty of the University of Toulouse. The action also mobilized for a study meeting on Israel on the 24th of January.
In the city of Tel Aviv, in the State of Israel, hundreds of people protested against the war on the 18th of January. 
In Haifa, the third largest city in the State of Israel, Israeli Jews and Palestinians protested together against the war on Gaza in the 20th of January. Placards calling for an end to the genocide in Gaza were held up in the protest in Haifa, 20th of January. 
In Melbourne, Australia there has been protests in support of the Palestinian people at the central business district for 15 weeks in a row. The latest rally had about 4,000 participants, according to the police. Rally in support of the Palestinian people in Melbourne, Australia. 
An ongoing blockade at the Port of Melbourne have prevented an Israeli ship from being unloaded for more than two days. According to the police 85 people are participating in the blockade. More people joint the blockade after the rally. 
In Birmingham, England, thousands of people flooded   the streets  in support of Palestine, which was possibly Birmingham’s largest protest ever.
In London, England, protesters interrupted the speech of a politician at a conference by a thinktank linked to the Labour Party. The protesters held Palestinian flags and shouted slogans. The protesters shouted among other things “When will you condemn the genocide? How many more children need to die?”
In Seattle, USA, a light rail station was closed due to a protest in support of Palestine on the 20th of January. The protest denounced the links between the publicly-funded company Sound Transit and Siemens, which participates occupation of Palestine. Protest in support of Palestine in Seattle shut down a light rail station on the 20th of January. In Chicago, USA, a caravan of hundreds of cars with Palestinian flags blocked the inbound lanes of an Expressway. The action for more than two hours and completely paralysed  traffic for at least half an hour. Four people are reported to have been arrested. 
In the city of Vicenza, Italy, there were clashes between pro-Palestinian demonstrators and the police on the 20th of January. The demonstration was against the presence of Israeli exhibitors at an international jewelry fair. On the 20th of January it a stall was held in Connacht in support of the Palestinian resistance and backing  the boycott of Israeli goods. In Oslo, Norway, Kampkomiteen has put up posters in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance struggle. 
In Toulouse, France, Ligue de la Jeunesse Révolutionnaire had an information table on the Palestinian resistance at the Mirail faculty of the University of Toulouse. The action also mobilized for a study meeting on Israel on the 24th of January.
*Freelance journalist. Sources: Red Herald,  Al Jazeera, Kampkomiteen and A Nova Democracie



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