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Ethiopian ruling classes, political masters in West have their hands soaked in blood

By Harsh Thakor 

Over two hundred were killed in recent weeks in Ethiopia’s Oromia and Amhara region. After peace-talks between the Oromo Liberation Army and the Ethiopian government did not materialise tensions are escalating in the Oromia region. Earlier, on November 22, least 25 civilians were massacred in a government aerial drone strike, in Chawaka districts of the Buno Bedelle zone. This incident took place only two days after a fierce battle arose between the OLA and governmental troops in the Sulula Fincha district of the Horro Guduru Wollega zone.
On 24th of November, 9 people were killed in Gidami district of the Kellem Wollega zone. The victims were affiliates of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus. It is reported that unidentified armed men were responsible. While the government as well as the Church remain silent; allegations that government forces committed the killing went viral.
In Shirka district of Arsi zone a total of 36 people were killed by unidentified armed men during attacks on 23rd and 27th of November. The victims were reportedly Orthodox Christians, including Children and elderly women. Officials blamed the OLA for the massacre, calling it a a move to avenge an action of the old State in the Chawaka district of Buno Bedele zone. The OLA, via Spokesperson Odaa Tarbii, profusely b denied the accusations, stating that the government is framing he OLA.
On November 30, a drone attack against an ambulance carrying crucial medical supplies caused five deaths in the town of Wegeltena, located in the Delanta district of the South Wollo zone. The United Nations Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights reported on drone strikes by Ethiopian government forces in the Amhara region including on a school and a bus station, which resulted in the deaths of at least 20 civilians. Battles between Fano militia and the armed forces of the old State continued in Amhara region, with combat-actions reported in North Shewa, North Wello, and West Gojam zones.
Recently a drone bombing attack launched against the civilian population in Oromia, killed eight civilians and injured three others during the morning of 25th of December. The bombing occurred on a church in the village of Baro, in the Kombolcha district, when the people assembled for a joint activity. This bombing is one of several offensives that have been undertaken by the Ethiopian State against the people. 
As for Oromia, bombings are a routine occurrence and the Kombolcha district is particularly hit by them due to the Ethiopian State’s fight against the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA). Clashes have escalated since Tuesday, 19th of December, and the bombings has generally intensified since the conclusion of negotiations between the OLA and the Ethiopian State two months ago, which ended negatively.
These bombings are also frequent in Amhara, and the Ethiopian Chief of Staff himself. The use of drones to bomb the civilian population has become dominant. Meanwhile, senior Ethiopian military officials stated that the use of drones is “strategic to minimize harm to civilians,” and the Minister of Foreign Affairs stated that as a member of the BRICS, Ethiopia “remains committed and ready to play a constructive role in promoting peace and prosperity.” Bitter cynicism, since events recently showed another reality: between 30 and 40 people were killed in a drone attack on 10th of December in the Amhara Sayint district, and according to associations of the Amhara people in the diaspora, drone attacks “almost always they have targeted civilians”, and this is something widely denounced by the people in Ethiopia.
Regarding these crimes against the people, the imperialists camouflaged showing concern about the violations of the so-called human rights in Ethiopia, but recently the ambassador of the European Union (EU) to Ethiopia, Roland Kobia, stated that “We didn’t agree on everything [with Ethiopia]; but that is normal,”, and he asserted in no uncertain terms  that the EU would continue to provide support to the Ethiopian State. At the same time, in the first half of December there were meetings between the Ethiopian State and numerous representatives of different imperialisms such as the Yankees, through the World Bank, and with ministers of imperialist powers from Europe such as the Britain, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark.
Recently it has been reported a huge massacre that the Ethiopian Armed Forces have committed, in which dozens of Amhara civilians have been killed, specifically in the town of Merawi City. 
The figures are not yet accurate  but they are sources reporting that the figure could be more than 250 people killed. A brutal massacre that the Ethiopian State has committed, in retaliation for the resistance offered by the regional militias, which waged resistance during the previous days against the advance of state troops.
The sources point out that these local militias have expanded in the area, frequently disrupting the communications and transport of goods. Additionally, students have made strikes and the State is also suppressing their protest. After intensification  of the protest, on 29th of January the armed clashes erupted in the town of Merawi City, when members of the Fano militias clashed with  militiamen of the State and anti-riot forces. Soon the troops of the State unleashed blood and fire. On the first day of combat there were already at least 20 young people extra-judicially executed by the Ethiopian repressive forces.
After the retreat of the Fano militias and the entrance of the state troops, the state troops terrorised the people, and barged house by house arresting and killing civilians. 
While the Ethiopian ruling classes and their political representatives have their hands completely soaked in blood, the United Nations under the command of the imperialists, awarded  leader  leader of the Ethiopian State, Abiy Ahmed. This hypocrisy of the imperialists illustrates  the local ruling classes are not the only responsible for horrific  crimes committed against the Ethiopian people, but also their imperialist masters, the bureaucratic capitalism and the semi-colonial and semi-feudal tormentation  suffered by the country.
*Freelance journalist



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