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Lack of securing tribal land rights in Andhra 'exacerbating' vulnerability to climate change

By Palla Trinadha Rao 
In the tribal areas of the Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh, the challenges posed by land use changes and deforestation have significant implications for climate change. This article seeks to examine how land alienation, displacement, and the erosion of traditional knowledge among tribal communities exacerbate environmental degradation and climate vulnerability. 
It also underscore the urgent need for legal and policy reforms to secure land and socio-economic rights, empowering these communities to become stewards of the environment and leaders in climate resilience.

I. Impact of deforestation and land use changes

Land rights in forested areas are intrinsically linked to deforestation and land use changes, which contribute to climate change by increasing carbon emissions. In tribal regions, land use patterns have undergone significant changes driven by socio-economic, environmental, and policy-related factors, disproportionately affecting indigenous communities. Key drivers include:
1. Forest land conversion:
Since the 1990s, vast tracts of forest land in tribal areas have been converted for non-forest purposes. Projects like the Polavaram Irrigation Project displaced thousands of tribal families and led to the submergence of 94,357 acres of land, including 29,852 acres of poramboke land and 3,223 hectares of forest resources. Additionally, displaced tribals from neighboring Chhattisgarh, due to armed conflicts, have sought refuge in forest areas, further straining resources through land clearing for basic survival.
2. Industrial development and mining:
Industrial activities have significantly impacted forests in tribal areas of East Godavari District. Companies like ITC, Godavari Plywoods, and AP Paper Mills contributed to deforestation by establishing plantations and extracting raw materials. Mining operations for bauxite and other minerals further accelerated habitat destruction, exacerbating climate vulnerability through increased soil erosion and biodiversity loss.
3. Shifting cultivation and agriculture:
Traditional shifting cultivation (Podu) is being replaced by settled agriculture and monoculture plantations like cashew, coffee, and eucalyptus. These changes have led to declining soil fertility, increased ecological imbalance, and reduced carbon sequestration, all contributing to climate change. Government initiatives aimed at transitioning tribals to agroforestry practices have had limited success.
4. Land alienation and urbanization:
Despite legal protections, tribal land alienation persists. Non-tribals have acquired tribal lands illegally, with more than 50% of Scheduled Area land in AP held by non-tribals. Urbanization and migration to nearby towns and cities further alter traditional land use patterns, displacing tribal populations and increasing their dependence on forest lands.

II. Role of traditional knowledge in climate mitigation

Tribal communities in Eastern Ghats possess deep-rooted knowledge of sustainable land and forest management practices. However, modernization, displacement, and loss of land rights are eroding this traditional knowledge, with far-reaching implications for the environment and efforts to mitigate climate change. Key areas of traditional knowledge include:
1. Sustainable agricultural practices:
Historically, tribals practiced climate-resilient agriculture, such as agroforestry and drought-resistant crops like millets. These have been replaced by water-intensive commercial crops, exacerbating soil degradation and biodiversity loss. Revitalizing traditional agricultural methods could restore ecological balance and strengthen climate resilience.
2. Forest management and biodiversity conservation:
Tribal knowledge plays a crucial role in forest ecosystem conservation. Practices like controlled burning, selective harvesting, and maintaining sacred groves contribute to forest regeneration and biodiversity preservation. The loss of these practices has increased forest fires, reduced forest cover, and weakened carbon sinks that mitigate climate change.
3. Water conservation techniques:
Tribals traditionally employed sustainable water conservation methods such as terracing and community-based management systems. The decline in these practices has worsened water scarcity, exacerbated by climate change. Reviving traditional water harvesting techniques could help address challenges like changing rainfall patterns and prolonged droughts.
4. Traditional weather prediction:
Tribals used natural indicators, such as animal behavior and plant flowering patterns, to predict weather changes. This knowledge helped them adapt to environmental changes. As these traditions fade, communities are less equipped to anticipate and cope with unpredictable climate impacts, such as erratic rainfall and temperature extremes.

III. Effects of land alienation on climate vulnerability

The lack of secure land rights for tribals in the Scheduled Area of Andhra Pradesh exacerbates their vulnerability to climate change. Displacement and land alienation deprive them of the resources and autonomy needed to manage their environment sustainably, weakening their resilience to climate shocks.
Irrigation projects like Polavaram displaced thousands of tribals,  submerged 94,357 acres, including 7,964 acres of forest resources
1. Deforestation and resource exploitation:
When tribals are displaced from their lands, environmental degradation becomes more prevalent. Commercial interests, such as mining and large-scale agriculture, often exploit tribal lands without regard for sustainability, resulting in higher carbon emissions and reduced biodiversity.
2. Loss of climate resilience:
Secure land tenure allows communities to invest in sustainable farming, soil conservation, and water management. Without land rights, tribals are less likely to engage in these practices, increasing their vulnerability to floods, droughts, and landslides.
3. Socio-economic exclusion:
Socio-economic marginalization further increases climate vulnerability. Tribals who lack access to healthcare, education, and markets are more vulnerable to climate impacts. Economic insecurity also limits their ability to invest in climate adaptation measures.
4. Exclusion from decision-making:
Tribals are often excluded from climate adaptation programs due to their lack of formal land rights and political marginalization. This exclusion weakens their adaptive capacity and undermines climate policy by disregarding the knowledge and practices that have sustained these ecosystems for centuries.

IV. Path forward: Securing land and socio-economic rights for climate resilience

Addressing the challenges faced by tribal communities in East Godavari requires legal, policy, and program interventions to secure land and socio-economic rights. Effective implementation of laws like Land Transfer Regulations 1 of 70, the Forest Rights Act (FRA) and the Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act (PESA) is essential for empowering tribal communities as stewards of their environment.
1. Strengthening legal protections:
Strengthening the enforcement of laws that protect tribal land rights is crucial. Securing land tenure empowers tribals to continue their role in forest conservation and sustainable land management, mitigating climate change.
2. Integrating traditional knowledge into climate policy:
Recognizing and integrating traditional knowledge into modern climate strategies is key to building resilience in ecologically sensitive regions like the Eastern Ghats. Collaboration between tribal communities, governments, and NGOs can help preserve and revitalize traditional practices including health, enhancing biodiversity conservation and climate resilience.
3. Promoting inclusive economic development:
Ensuring access to socio-economic rights such as education, healthcare, and employment strengthens the adaptive capacity of tribal communities. Supporting sustainable livelihoods, like agroforestry and eco-tourism, can provide alternative income sources while preserving the environment.
4. Enhancing climate adaptation orograms:
Tribal involvement in climate adaptation programs ensures that strategies are locally relevant and culturally appropriate. Drawing on traditional knowledge and practices will enhance resilience to climate challenges.


The tribal communities of Eastern Ghats have long been custodians of their environment, maintaining a delicate balance between their livelihoods and the natural world. Securing their land rights and revitalizing traditional knowledge systems are not only essential for their survival but also critical in the fight against climate change. By empowering these communities, we can foster sustainable land use practices, enhance biodiversity conservation, and build resilience to future climate challenges.



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